Make way for Coffee

The heading says so much. Yes I love coffee insanely. It says a different story each time I am having a cup of this awesome beverage. Whether it is a Cappuccino, an Espresso, or a Latte. Whether it has hazelnut, cinnamon or chocolate toppings. I give a damn.

The aroma of the freshly making of any coffee is what lifts up my mood. I can sit for hours at any café over a coffee and a book or even my mobile phone. I might not need any company. Sometimes even the filter coffee at a tapri also does the magic. (Well I know tapri's are more famous for incredible chai in India.)

If you search the internet you will find a huge number of coffee blogs. So I will not bore you with usual contents. But here I am showing what I truly believe and practice. That is my love for COFFEE.

I am sometimes referred to by my friends as Coffeetographer since I immediately click a photo even before I start having it. Yes okay that is an obsession nowadays for #gramming everything. But the truth is that I keep it for my memory each time I see a cup of coffee in front of me.  

So without any further boring stuffs here’s my collection. I believe a picture speaks a thousand words. I may not be a dslr or a photoshop champ but I have tried my best.

This collage is from shots taken while coffee hunting around Bangkok and Pattaya.

And as they say Coffee doesn't asks silly questions it Understands. The below shots were taken while hunting down coffee in Singapore. And since we were in Universal Studios so there you go Minion Love. 

And the sweethtooth as I am sometimes a cheesecake doesn't harm. This shot taken at German Bakery, Pune.

And Finally some more shots while wander-lusting around places..

The hunt for more such Coffee shots continues....
